This recipe is super easy, super cheap and obviously DELICIOUS!
My dad ready to cook.... his apron is so freaking adorable!
Just a forewarning...my dad owns absolutely no measuring cups or baking utensils so the "measurements" are all eyeballed
The Dough (this is also to be used as the dough for the dumplings which I will give the recipe later for!)
Ingredients: 1 popcorn bowl full of all purpose flour
2-3 cute puppy mugs of water
Scallion Pancakes
2-3 sprigs of chopped scallions
1 large pinch of salt
1/2 tea cup of vegetable oil
Step1: slowly drizzle water into the flour and mix adding water when needed until pliable, but not too sticky
Step 2: Knead into a ball and cover to rest for 10-20 minutes
Step 3: Roll out until thin and drizzle with oil, spread the oil until the entire surface is covered
Step 4: Sprinkle the chopped scallions, and salt until you see nice coverage
Step 5: Roll lengthwise and cut into thirds
Step 6: Roll up horizontally and squash down with your hands
Step 7: Flatten even more with a roller until desired thin or thickness
Step 8: After heating oil in a skillet, fry until golden brown, delicious and bubbly!
Step 9: Cut with a pizza cutter ( or scissors if you want to be ghetto) and DIG IN!
Verdict: Why pay 3.50 for 1 order of scallion pancakes at a Chinese restaurant when you can make this at home!? Delicious and you can even add any other ingredients you wish ( pepper, chives, ham, etc)
OR even fry some eggs and make it a scallion pancake egg wrap for breakfast! ^_^
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