Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Lunch: A Guaranteed Greasy Keyboard and Food Coma

There have been a lot of talk about kati rolls lately and so I wanted to join in on the shenanigans. Off I went to see what all the fuss was about on my lunch break! 
Oh, and just a little history about kati rolls: They are an indian street forrd, the "bread" is a roti flatbread or paratha. Inside they usually stuff various savory spiced meats/ potatoes/ and eggs.

Jesus... what was I walking into?? The line inside was insane....insane!!!! ( okay maybe not that insane, but it was pretty damn crowded)

 Guys hard at work. ( Why does this remind me of the episode in Seinfeld where Kramer flew in all the Dominicans to roll cigars but ended up rolling crepes?)

After waiting 20 minutes (!!?!?!) I rushed back to the office I opened my to go bag.  Just taking them out, my hands were covered in grease ( though I shouldn't be surprised since I watched the guys behind the counter drowning the bread in oil).  These were also pretty big, about 7 inches... I was waiting for a stomach ache and food coma ahead.

Unda Beef Roll
This was with pickled red onions, eggs and beef in a spicy green coriander sauce. The bread was pretty flaky and chewy (just like if naan bread had sex with pastry dough and gave birth to this). The eggs however, were ridiculously over cooked and dry, I immediately needed a glass of water. The beef had an interesting texture... pliable, almost spongy. I wasn't a huge fan of that texture, but the spices completely marinated into the meat and the onions added a nice fresh hit. The whole roll could have used another healthy douse of sauce, over all pretty dry. 
Price: $ 5.75

Unda Aloo Roll
This was with egg and potato along with the red onions, and spicy coriander sauce. The potato was pretty much flavorless other then the sauce that they added. The texture was great however, soft, and mushy (which helped moisten the dry eggs).  Again, this could have used another helping of sauce to add some more flavor.
Price: $5.25
Verdict: Well after eating 1/2 of each roll my hands, face, keyboard, mouse and other various items on my desk ( and quite possibly even items on my coworkers desk) had a nice coating of grease.  On the plus side, I had tomorrows lunch...on the minus side; like I had predicted my stomach began yelling at me as I proceeded to pop some Tums later on that day. This would be incredible drunk/hangover food but as a lunch sober? Not so much ( which is why I have the feeling they are open til 5am on weekends...)
Kati Roll Company
49 West 39th Street
New York, NY 10018

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