The streets were ridiculously over crowded with massive amounts of people and their families, seriously... maybe it's time to stop procreating so much? Or at least practice procreating safely with preventive measures?!? . I really wanted to bulldoze over the moms with their huge strollers wished that the streets were a little wider for more walking room. It was worse than being squashed on the L train during morning rush hour.

Fudge Delight Inc
Fresh Fudge?! Well, I guess this will be my first stop!
So many choices! I didn't want to fill up on fudge ( is this line "thats what she said" appropriate? And who is this "she" anyway? She sounds like a whore)
Chocolate and Peanut Butter
I went with an old stand-by. Thick, creamy, intensely dense and sweet. After about 3 little bites I was already getting a sugar high. Speaking of high.. so were the prices! They didn't price them by how much you wanted, but only sold 1/4 lbs and every increment heavier. I tried looking up their location, but apparently they only do food festivals and shows.
Price: $5.00 for 1/4 lb
Mabels Barbeque
A super happy rack of ribs slathering herself up for your consumption? Why not stop here?!
Ribs... *sigh*, they give me such a moral dilemma. One one side, they come from pigs, which are super cute animals that can play fetch and are just plain adorable. On the other side.. they are fucking delicious. And so were these babies ( sob...nom, nom, sob, sob..) Fall off the bone semi sweet and sticky sauce. Finger licking good!
Price: $5.00 for 3 ribs
Mabels Barbeque
607 E Market Street
West Chester PA 19382

Maggie Moo's
Chocolate and Better Batter
ICE CREAM!!! I know Maggie Moo's is a chain, but wow, can they churn an utterly creamy ice cream. I gave a scoop to my boyfriend and he asked if this was from a gelato cart. It certainly did have the silky consistancy of gelato as well as the intense flavors. I would not hesitate to stop by a Maggie Moo's near you next time!
Price: $3.00 for 2 scoops
Capt'n Dick's BBQ
I was going to just walk past this...but...look at those racks of ribs!!
Um... and whole Turkey legs??!
More ribs... these were a bit tougher than Mabels, and they also had more lean meat on the bone. They won with their sauce however. Tangy, spicy and left a lingering kick in your mouth. Pluse, they gave me 1 extra rib which I liked ;)
Price: $2.00 for 1 rib
Captn Dicks
Only for catering
Dippin Dots
Strawberries n Cream
Com'on... who could I say no to these? They are just so freakin fun to eat!
Price: $3.00 for a small
Gadaleto's Seafood Market
Half Lobster Roll with a side of potato salad
This was ... mediocre at best. Buddy didn't even want to finish it! It was literally only about 3-4 inches and was stringy had too much mayo. and celery. The Lobster should be the star, not celery.
Price: $6.00 for half a roll
Gadaleto's Seafood Market
929 South High Street
West Chester PA, 19382
Numzees Tavern-n-Grille
Mushroom and Brie Egg Roll
Mmm.mmm... what can you get for a dollar these days? Maybe a gross hamburger from McDonalds? Or a freaking delicious egg roll from Numzees? I have never heard of this tavern befor, but the egg roll was awesome. Chewy, crunchy and stuffed with ooey, gooey cheese.
Price: $1.00
Numzees Tavern-n Grill
520 Lincoln Street
Oxford PA 19363
The National Rifle also played!
Verdict: I thought the hours of 12-5 were a little short, but after about 1/2 trying to shuffle through the crowd, I was ready to leave. I was fun to taste all of the foods I would normally walk by at certain restaurants, but next year I would suggest getting there around 4, when some of the crowd has died off a bit
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